Astrological effects of the Gemstones
Now let us see whcih gem-stone is applicable to which Zodiac sign..So let us begin
Sun Sign - Aquarius , Capricon
Ruled by Saturn
Gemstone - Blue Sapphire

Astrological Effect of Blue Sapphire :-
Blue sapphires are the gemstones for Saturn. An ill-placed Saturn in a birth chart can cause poverty and suffering. Wearing blue sapphires can be advantageous for those for whom Saturn is the lord of an auspicious house. If Saturn, as lord of an auspicious house, is afflicted or ill disposed, blue sapphire may help to neutralize its effect. It is believed that blue sapphires will change color to warn against an enemy’s attackWearing a blue sapphire may help cure bad blood, mental problems, headache, vomiting, deafness, fainting, and may make the bones stronger. It can be worn to protect against heart problems, or by a person suffering from alcoholism.
Sun Sign - Pisces , Sagittarius
Ruled by Jupiter
Gemstone - Yellow Sapphire

Astrological Effect of Yellow Sapphire :-
Yellow sapphire is the gemstone for Jupiter and is ruled by Jupiter. Wearing a yellow sapphire attracts Jupiter’s blessings. If Jupiter is lord of an auspicious house, then yellow sapphire will be useful. A good quality yellow sapphire gives the wearer happiness, fortune, prosperity, intelligence, fame, good name, wealth, comfort, good health, a long life, and blesses women with good children. There can be an immediate financial change for the better shortly after putting on a yellow sapphire. Yellow sapphires can also give one a more philosophical attitude toward life, and aid meditation and concentration.
Sun Sign - Aries, Scorpio
Ruled by Mars
Gemstone - Red Coral

Astrological Effect of Red Coral :-
Red coral is ruled by Mars. Coral can be worn by those for whom Mars is lord of an auspicious house in the birth chart. If Mars is the lord of an inauspicious house, it may be harmful to wear red coral. A red coral stone or necklace can be worn to strengthen Mars. The darker the coral, the more powerful the effect.
Sun Sign - Taurus, Libra
Ruled by Venus
Gemstone - Diamond

Astrological Effect of Diamond :-
Diamonds are one of the most powerful gems and can give quick results to their wearers. Diamonds strengthen a weak Venus, enhance the color indigo, and are related to the number 6. Diamonds effect water and our sense of taste, and work with the Vishuddhi chakra (base of the neck). A defective diamond causes great trouble to the wearer. Wearing diamonds promotes material happiness, life span, prosperity, comfort, good harvests, artistic ability, creativity, marital happiness, physical and mental purity, patience, fearlessness, and good manners.
Sun Sign - Gemini , Virgo
Ruled by Mercury
Gemstone - Emerald

Astrological Effect of Emerald :-
Emeralds are ruled by Mercury. Those who have Mercury as lord of an auspicious house in their birth chart may find emeralds beneficial. If Mercury is in an inauspicious house or is aspected by a malefic planet, it may also be advisable to wear emeralds, but its use in this case should be prescribed by a qualified astrologer. Emeralds can be useful for those under the influence of Gemini or Virgo. A good emerald without defects will bring wealth, good health, property, and increase a person’s intelligence. Emeralds help increase memory, which has the effect of also improving the wearer’s education and psychic abilities.
Sun Sign - Cancer
Ruled by Moon
Gemstone - Pearl

Astrological Effect of Pearl:-
Pearls are ruled by the Moon. They should be worn by those in whose birth chart the Moon is lord of an auspicious house, and when the lord of an auspicious house is afflicted and is not well placed in the birth chart. Pearls are used to strengthen a weak Moon, and can be worn if the Moon is well-placed in the birth chart. Pearls strengthen the mind, increase memory, and help control anger Ownership of a good pearl brings wealth, sons, popularity, fortune, fame, and freedom from disease and grief.
Sun Sign - Leo
Ruled by Sun
Gemstone - Ruby

Astrological Effect of Pearl:-
The Sun transmits red. Since ruby is ruled by the Sun, if the Sun is the lord of an auspicious house in the birth chart, wearing a ruby will be beneficial. Rubies are often prescribed to offset a weakly placed (afflicted) or badly placed Sun, or to increase the power of a well placed Sun. A ruby worn mistakenly can increase the Sun’s effect on mental and physical imbalance. Ruby is often recommended for one who has Virgo as their solar sign. If one wears an unflawed ruby the wearer will become wealthy, have good children, happiness, courage, a respected position in society, high honor, prestige and property. The wearer’s will-power and determination will also be strengthened.
Moon's north node.
Ruled by Rahu
Gemstone - Hessonite/Gomed

Astrological Effect of Hessonite :-
Rahu rules hessonite. Rahu is an aprakash graha, a lusterless planet, and it gives the results of the lord of the house which it tenants. If Rahu is on the ascendant, wearing hessonite may be recommended. Hessonite may also be good for those born under Aries. Wearing a good hessonite brings wealth, success, position, prestige, happiness, prosperity, good children, praise, fame, and health. It protects against rivalries and enemies.
Moon's South node.
Ruled by Ketu
Gemstone - Cat's Eye

Astrological Effect of Cat's Eye :-
One is recommended to wear a cat’s eye in reference to Ketu. A badly placed Ketu can give one a bad reputation, rivalries, and bring scandal. Cat’s eye can also be used if the Sun is badly placed in the birth chart, but a competent astrologer should make the recommendation for its use. Cat’s eye has a good result if Ketu is in the sixth, eighth, or twelfth houses from Wearing a good cat’s eye makes one wealthy, healthy, strongly determined, knowledgeable, and gives good children, happiness in relation to chil dren, and protection from enemies. It will help one gain insight, psychic powers, and can help one have better perception. It gives gains from speculations, the stock market, and gambling. It is said to help one practice witchcraft, if one is so inclined. It protects one from hidden enemies, and keeps one from jail, intoxication, and drowning.
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