The Full Harvest Moon this week indicates that it's time for you to sort out the current difficulties that are besetting some of your relationships, especially if you've been procrastinating about making such a move. The longer you leave things, the worse they'll get - so don’t drag your feet any more. Bite the bullet and do whatever you know to be necessary. I guess the bestway to impress them is by presenting something of their choice to them.
Here are some tips :-
Virgins :-
Virgo's love simple elegance, so whatever gift you give, make it classy. Virgos are also industrious, efficient, neat and well organized.
Try giving the Virgo in your life something that will help them in this, such as a calendar, PDA (personal digital assistant), briefcase, or an organizer of any sort.
Your Virgo would also be pleased with some stocks and bonds - Virgos are good business people would enjoy following the progress stocks in the market.
If you are looking for a more exciting gift to give, Virgos also enjoy physical activity (Virgo rules the House of Health). Your Virgo would be thrilled with a gym membership, a book on hiking trials, or even a massage.
Last but not least, people born under this sign also have a love for pets, so if you are feeling brave, give your Virgo that fish or puppy he/she has been pining for. Not feeling that brave? A one year pass to the local zoo might do the trick.
Suggestions for the perfect gift:
A gym membership, roller blades, a massage or spa treatment, a PDA (personal digital assistant), a classy purse, a key ring, a pet, an exercise cycle, a diary or journal, a manicure or pedicure, a spa treatment, bubble bath, a leather-bound calendar, passes to the zoo, a plant, a nice bottle of wine.
So waiting for what go ahead and impress your Virgo partner!!!
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