Astrology has its root deep in the history but even today if a debate is conducted on the validity of the science no one party can win.....
Some people define it as the study of how events on Earth are influenced by the Sun, Moon, stars and planets. The word astrology comes from the Greek word astrologia, which literally means star study.
On whether it is a Science I can say that Astrology falls more in the category of metaphysics, the study of that which is beyond the physical. It's similar to other fields that are founded on ancient theories of energy patterns, like feng shui, acupuncture and yoga. Astrology at high levels is a mastery of its particular science and the intuitive arts. As the earliest known ordering of existence, long before recorded history, it's been called the "Mother of all Sciences."
Astrologers believe that the positions of the planets in the sky affect nearly every aspect of a person's life.
The stars and planets have always urged an eagerness in mankind to know about them. Many cultures look skyward and see the face of the divine there. There's a cosmic dance on the grand scale, and one on the intimate scale, going on for each of us. Astrology is the study of patterns and relationships -- of planets in motion, our birth chart, synastry with others, the make-up of elements -- and using that knowledge as a tool to find meaning.
Inshort we can say that Astrology means " The above affects the below"
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